Diversification of business

The need for Market Research for diversification of business is as follows:

  • Market research helps to identify new opportunities and potential customers in different markets
  • Market research helps to evaluate the demand and competition for the products or services offered by the business.
  • Market research helps to design effective marketing strategies and campaigns for the target markets
  • Market research helps to reduce the risks and uncertainties associated with diversification of business.
  • Market research helps to monitor and measure the performance and satisfaction of the customers in the new markets.

The diversification questions addressed by Kaizen

Planning to diversify your business? → Have you conducted a business diversification research study?
  • What is the size of the opportunity for diversification?
  • Is the business identified for diversification feasible for my organization?
  • What is the scalability, sustainability, and profitability of the new diversified business?
  • Should we go for related diversification or non-related diversification?
  • How does diversification align with the company's vision and mission?
  • What are the risks and benefits of diversification for the company and its stakeholders?
  • What are the criteria for selecting potential new markets or products?
  • How will diversification affect the company's core competencies and competitive advantage?
  • What are the financial implications and projections of diversification?
  • How will diversification be monitored and evaluated for performance and outcomes?

Benefits of the business diversification study

  • The business diversification study will help identify new opportunities for growth and expansion in different markets and sectors.
  • The business diversification study will help reduce the risks and uncertainties associated with relying on a single or few sources of income and demand.
  • The business diversification study will help enhance the competitive advantage and reputation of the business by offering a wider range of products and services to customers.
  • The business diversification study will help foster innovation and creativity within the business by encouraging cross-functional collaboration and learning from diverse experiences and perspectives.